Source code for

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import copy
import numpy as np
import os.path as osp
import tarfile
import zipfile
import torch

from torchreid.utils import read_image, download_url, mkdir_if_missing

[docs]class Dataset(object): """An abstract class representing a Dataset. This is the base class for ``ImageDataset`` and ``VideoDataset``. Args: train (list): contains tuples of (img_path(s), pid, camid). query (list): contains tuples of (img_path(s), pid, camid). gallery (list): contains tuples of (img_path(s), pid, camid). transform: transform function. k_tfm (int): number of times to apply augmentation to an image independently. If k_tfm > 1, the transform function will be applied k_tfm times to an image. This variable will only be useful for training and is currently valid for image datasets only. mode (str): 'train', 'query' or 'gallery'. combineall (bool): combines train, query and gallery in a dataset for training. verbose (bool): show information. """ # junk_pids contains useless person IDs, e.g. background, # false detections, distractors. These IDs will be ignored # when combining all images in a dataset for training, i.e. # combineall=True _junk_pids = [] # Some datasets are only used for training, like CUHK-SYSU # In this case, "combineall=True" is not used for them _train_only = False def __init__( self, train, query, gallery, transform=None, k_tfm=1, mode='train', combineall=False, verbose=True, **kwargs ): # extend 3-tuple (img_path(s), pid, camid) to # 4-tuple (img_path(s), pid, camid, dsetid) by # adding a dataset indicator "dsetid" if len(train[0]) == 3: train = [(*items, 0) for items in train] if len(query[0]) == 3: query = [(*items, 0) for items in query] if len(gallery[0]) == 3: gallery = [(*items, 0) for items in gallery] self.train = train self.query = query = gallery self.transform = transform self.k_tfm = k_tfm self.mode = mode self.combineall = combineall self.verbose = verbose self.num_train_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.train) self.num_train_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.train) self.num_datasets = self.get_num_datasets(self.train) if self.combineall: self.combine_all() if self.mode == 'train': = self.train elif self.mode == 'query': = self.query elif self.mode == 'gallery': = else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid mode. Got {}, but expected to be ' 'one of [train | query | gallery]'.format(self.mode) ) if self.verbose: self.show_summary() def __getitem__(self, index): raise NotImplementedError def __len__(self): return len( def __add__(self, other): """Adds two datasets together (only the train set).""" train = copy.deepcopy(self.train) for img_path, pid, camid, dsetid in other.train: pid += self.num_train_pids camid += self.num_train_cams dsetid += self.num_datasets train.append((img_path, pid, camid, dsetid)) ################################### # Note that # 1. set verbose=False to avoid unnecessary print # 2. set combineall=False because combineall would have been applied # if it was True for a specific dataset; setting it to True will # create new IDs that should have already been included ################################### if isinstance(train[0][0], str): return ImageDataset( train, self.query,, transform=self.transform, mode=self.mode, combineall=False, verbose=False ) else: return VideoDataset( train, self.query,, transform=self.transform, mode=self.mode, combineall=False, verbose=False, seq_len=self.seq_len, sample_method=self.sample_method ) def __radd__(self, other): """Supports sum([dataset1, dataset2, dataset3]).""" if other == 0: return self else: return self.__add__(other)
[docs] def get_num_pids(self, data): """Returns the number of training person identities. Each tuple in data contains (img_path(s), pid, camid, dsetid). """ pids = set() for items in data: pid = items[1] pids.add(pid) return len(pids)
[docs] def get_num_cams(self, data): """Returns the number of training cameras. Each tuple in data contains (img_path(s), pid, camid, dsetid). """ cams = set() for items in data: camid = items[2] cams.add(camid) return len(cams)
[docs] def get_num_datasets(self, data): """Returns the number of datasets included. Each tuple in data contains (img_path(s), pid, camid, dsetid). """ dsets = set() for items in data: dsetid = items[3] dsets.add(dsetid) return len(dsets)
[docs] def show_summary(self): """Shows dataset statistics.""" pass
[docs] def combine_all(self): """Combines train, query and gallery in a dataset for training.""" if self._train_only: return combined = copy.deepcopy(self.train) # relabel pids in gallery (query shares the same scope) g_pids = set() for items in pid = items[1] if pid in self._junk_pids: continue g_pids.add(pid) pid2label = {pid: i for i, pid in enumerate(g_pids)} def _combine_data(data): for img_path, pid, camid, dsetid in data: if pid in self._junk_pids: continue pid = pid2label[pid] + self.num_train_pids combined.append((img_path, pid, camid, dsetid)) _combine_data(self.query) _combine_data( self.train = combined self.num_train_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.train)
[docs] def download_dataset(self, dataset_dir, dataset_url): """Downloads and extracts dataset. Args: dataset_dir (str): dataset directory. dataset_url (str): url to download dataset. """ if osp.exists(dataset_dir): return if dataset_url is None: raise RuntimeError( '{} dataset needs to be manually ' 'prepared, please follow the ' 'document to prepare this dataset'.format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) print('Creating directory "{}"'.format(dataset_dir)) mkdir_if_missing(dataset_dir) fpath = osp.join(dataset_dir, osp.basename(dataset_url)) print( 'Downloading {} dataset to "{}"'.format( self.__class__.__name__, dataset_dir ) ) download_url(dataset_url, fpath) print('Extracting "{}"'.format(fpath)) try: tar = tar.extractall(path=dataset_dir) tar.close() except: zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(dataset_dir) zip_ref.close() print('{} dataset is ready'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def check_before_run(self, required_files): """Checks if required files exist before going deeper. Args: required_files (str or list): string file name(s). """ if isinstance(required_files, str): required_files = [required_files] for fpath in required_files: if not osp.exists(fpath): raise RuntimeError('"{}" is not found'.format(fpath))
def __repr__(self): num_train_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.train) num_train_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.train) num_query_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.query) num_query_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.query) num_gallery_pids = self.get_num_pids( num_gallery_cams = self.get_num_cams( msg = ' ----------------------------------------\n' \ ' subset | # ids | # items | # cameras\n' \ ' ----------------------------------------\n' \ ' train | {:5d} | {:7d} | {:9d}\n' \ ' query | {:5d} | {:7d} | {:9d}\n' \ ' gallery | {:5d} | {:7d} | {:9d}\n' \ ' ----------------------------------------\n' \ ' items: images/tracklets for image/video dataset\n'.format( num_train_pids, len(self.train), num_train_cams, num_query_pids, len(self.query), num_query_cams, num_gallery_pids, len(, num_gallery_cams ) return msg def _transform_image(self, tfm, k_tfm, img0): """Transforms a raw image (img0) k_tfm times with the transform function tfm. """ img_list = [] for k in range(k_tfm): img_list.append(tfm(img0)) img = img_list if len(img) == 1: img = img[0] return img
[docs]class ImageDataset(Dataset): """A base class representing ImageDataset. All other image datasets should subclass it. ``__getitem__`` returns an image given index. It will return ``img``, ``pid``, ``camid`` and ``img_path`` where ``img`` has shape (channel, height, width). As a result, data in each batch has shape (batch_size, channel, height, width). """ def __init__(self, train, query, gallery, **kwargs): super(ImageDataset, self).__init__(train, query, gallery, **kwargs) def __getitem__(self, index): img_path, pid, camid, dsetid =[index] img = read_image(img_path) if self.transform is not None: img = self._transform_image(self.transform, self.k_tfm, img) item = { 'img': img, 'pid': pid, 'camid': camid, 'impath': img_path, 'dsetid': dsetid } return item
[docs] def show_summary(self): num_train_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.train) num_train_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.train) num_query_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.query) num_query_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.query) num_gallery_pids = self.get_num_pids( num_gallery_cams = self.get_num_cams( print('=> Loaded {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) print(' ----------------------------------------') print(' subset | # ids | # images | # cameras') print(' ----------------------------------------') print( ' train | {:5d} | {:8d} | {:9d}'.format( num_train_pids, len(self.train), num_train_cams ) ) print( ' query | {:5d} | {:8d} | {:9d}'.format( num_query_pids, len(self.query), num_query_cams ) ) print( ' gallery | {:5d} | {:8d} | {:9d}'.format( num_gallery_pids, len(, num_gallery_cams ) ) print(' ----------------------------------------')
[docs]class VideoDataset(Dataset): """A base class representing VideoDataset. All other video datasets should subclass it. ``__getitem__`` returns an image given index. It will return ``imgs``, ``pid`` and ``camid`` where ``imgs`` has shape (seq_len, channel, height, width). As a result, data in each batch has shape (batch_size, seq_len, channel, height, width). """ def __init__( self, train, query, gallery, seq_len=15, sample_method='evenly', **kwargs ): super(VideoDataset, self).__init__(train, query, gallery, **kwargs) self.seq_len = seq_len self.sample_method = sample_method if self.transform is None: raise RuntimeError('transform must not be None') def __getitem__(self, index): img_paths, pid, camid, dsetid =[index] num_imgs = len(img_paths) if self.sample_method == 'random': # Randomly samples seq_len images from a tracklet of length num_imgs, # if num_imgs is smaller than seq_len, then replicates images indices = np.arange(num_imgs) replace = False if num_imgs >= self.seq_len else True indices = np.random.choice( indices, size=self.seq_len, replace=replace ) # sort indices to keep temporal order (comment it to be order-agnostic) indices = np.sort(indices) elif self.sample_method == 'evenly': # Evenly samples seq_len images from a tracklet if num_imgs >= self.seq_len: num_imgs -= num_imgs % self.seq_len indices = np.arange(0, num_imgs, num_imgs / self.seq_len) else: # if num_imgs is smaller than seq_len, simply replicate the last image # until the seq_len requirement is satisfied indices = np.arange(0, num_imgs) num_pads = self.seq_len - num_imgs indices = np.concatenate( [ indices, np.ones(num_pads).astype(np.int32) * (num_imgs-1) ] ) assert len(indices) == self.seq_len elif self.sample_method == 'all': # Samples all images in a tracklet. batch_size must be set to 1 indices = np.arange(num_imgs) else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown sample method: {}'.format(self.sample_method) ) imgs = [] for index in indices: img_path = img_paths[int(index)] img = read_image(img_path) if self.transform is not None: img = self.transform(img) img = img.unsqueeze(0) # img must be torch.Tensor imgs.append(img) imgs =, dim=0) item = {'img': imgs, 'pid': pid, 'camid': camid, 'dsetid': dsetid} return item
[docs] def show_summary(self): num_train_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.train) num_train_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.train) num_query_pids = self.get_num_pids(self.query) num_query_cams = self.get_num_cams(self.query) num_gallery_pids = self.get_num_pids( num_gallery_cams = self.get_num_cams( print('=> Loaded {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) print(' -------------------------------------------') print(' subset | # ids | # tracklets | # cameras') print(' -------------------------------------------') print( ' train | {:5d} | {:11d} | {:9d}'.format( num_train_pids, len(self.train), num_train_cams ) ) print( ' query | {:5d} | {:11d} | {:9d}'.format( num_query_pids, len(self.query), num_query_cams ) ) print( ' gallery | {:5d} | {:11d} | {:9d}'.format( num_gallery_pids, len(, num_gallery_cams ) ) print(' -------------------------------------------')