Source code for torchreid.utils.reidtools

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import numpy as np
import shutil
import os.path as osp
import cv2

from .tools import mkdir_if_missing

__all__ = ['visualize_ranked_results']

BW = 5 # border width
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
RED = (0, 0, 255)

[docs]def visualize_ranked_results( distmat, dataset, data_type, width=128, height=256, save_dir='', topk=10 ): """Visualizes ranked results. Supports both image-reid and video-reid. For image-reid, ranks will be plotted in a single figure. For video-reid, ranks will be saved in folders each containing a tracklet. Args: distmat (numpy.ndarray): distance matrix of shape (num_query, num_gallery). dataset (tuple): a 2-tuple containing (query, gallery), each of which contains tuples of (img_path(s), pid, camid, dsetid). data_type (str): "image" or "video". width (int, optional): resized image width. Default is 128. height (int, optional): resized image height. Default is 256. save_dir (str): directory to save output images. topk (int, optional): denoting top-k images in the rank list to be visualized. Default is 10. """ num_q, num_g = distmat.shape mkdir_if_missing(save_dir) print('# query: {}\n# gallery {}'.format(num_q, num_g)) print('Visualizing top-{} ranks ...'.format(topk)) query, gallery = dataset assert num_q == len(query) assert num_g == len(gallery) indices = np.argsort(distmat, axis=1) def _cp_img_to(src, dst, rank, prefix, matched=False): """ Args: src: image path or tuple (for vidreid) dst: target directory rank: int, denoting ranked position, starting from 1 prefix: string matched: bool """ if isinstance(src, (tuple, list)): if prefix == 'gallery': suffix = 'TRUE' if matched else 'FALSE' dst = osp.join( dst, prefix + '_top' + str(rank).zfill(3) ) + '_' + suffix else: dst = osp.join(dst, prefix + '_top' + str(rank).zfill(3)) mkdir_if_missing(dst) for img_path in src: shutil.copy(img_path, dst) else: dst = osp.join( dst, prefix + '_top' + str(rank).zfill(3) + '_name_' + osp.basename(src) ) shutil.copy(src, dst) for q_idx in range(num_q): qimg_path, qpid, qcamid = query[q_idx][:3] qimg_path_name = qimg_path[0] if isinstance( qimg_path, (tuple, list) ) else qimg_path if data_type == 'image': qimg = cv2.imread(qimg_path) qimg = cv2.resize(qimg, (width, height)) qimg = cv2.copyMakeBorder( qimg, BW, BW, BW, BW, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(0, 0, 0) ) # resize twice to ensure that the border width is consistent across images qimg = cv2.resize(qimg, (width, height)) num_cols = topk + 1 grid_img = 255 * np.ones( ( height, num_cols*width + topk*GRID_SPACING + QUERY_EXTRA_SPACING, 3 ), dtype=np.uint8 ) grid_img[:, :width, :] = qimg else: qdir = osp.join( save_dir, osp.basename(osp.splitext(qimg_path_name)[0]) ) mkdir_if_missing(qdir) _cp_img_to(qimg_path, qdir, rank=0, prefix='query') rank_idx = 1 for g_idx in indices[q_idx, :]: gimg_path, gpid, gcamid = gallery[g_idx][:3] invalid = (qpid == gpid) & (qcamid == gcamid) if not invalid: matched = gpid == qpid if data_type == 'image': border_color = GREEN if matched else RED gimg = cv2.imread(gimg_path) gimg = cv2.resize(gimg, (width, height)) gimg = cv2.copyMakeBorder( gimg, BW, BW, BW, BW, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=border_color ) gimg = cv2.resize(gimg, (width, height)) start = rank_idx*width + rank_idx*GRID_SPACING + QUERY_EXTRA_SPACING end = ( rank_idx+1 ) * width + rank_idx*GRID_SPACING + QUERY_EXTRA_SPACING grid_img[:, start:end, :] = gimg else: _cp_img_to( gimg_path, qdir, rank=rank_idx, prefix='gallery', matched=matched ) rank_idx += 1 if rank_idx > topk: break if data_type == 'image': imname = osp.basename(osp.splitext(qimg_path_name)[0]) cv2.imwrite(osp.join(save_dir, imname + '.jpg'), grid_img) if (q_idx+1) % 100 == 0: print('- done {}/{}'.format(q_idx + 1, num_q)) print('Done. Images have been saved to "{}" ...'.format(save_dir))