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Academic Services
- Associate Editor: International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)
- Guest Editor: IJCV Special Issue on The Promises and Dangers of Large Vision Models
- Area Chair / Senior Program Committee: ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS, CVPR, ECCV, BMVC, AAAI
- Organizing Committee: The AI Talks, CVPR'23 Tutorial on Prompting, ICLR'23 Workshop on DG, CVPR'24 Workshop on Prompting, ECCV'24 Workshop on Green Foundation Models
Hong Kong Baptist University
COMP3076: AI and Generative Arts
COMP7065: Innovative Laboratory
ITS 7010: ITS Doctoral Research Training I
Nanyang Technological University
AI6126 Guest Lecture: Open-World Visual Recognition
OpenMMLab Workshop: Object Detection
Queen Mary University of London
ECS797: Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics
ECS708: Machine Learning